Адреса:m. Lviv, vul. Zavodska, 31
Телефон: +38 (097) 7858305 , +38 (096) 0121964

The idea of creating an store <b>MAX BABY SHOP</b> increasingly gave us today: the development of modern technologies, constant lack of free time parents, a huge range of all goods and services offered by the business industry and fatigue all of us as the consumer, from continuing need to make the right choice.

We’d like to opening the doors of our shop you feel ease in search of a particular category of goods, you feel confidence in the excellent quality of every possible purchase, you feel a real service, friendly approach to each customer in particular, those of our experience, we feel each package in the next couple of little shoe)).

We treat with great responsibility to the case, which decided to start and do; develop and improve every day! After all, if you have the opportunity and desire to evaluate our work not only in the Internet space, then our happiness has no limits !!!

We are always glad to see you and look forward to seeing you in our store!

As one of the founders of <b> MAX BABY SHOP</b> is a parent, the selection among the many manufacturers of children’s shoes, was made primarily on the basis of personal parental feelings. So can certainly say that we offer products only the best international brands and domestic footwear industry, products which are approved and certified quality mark relevant institutions.

In conclusion remains to add only thing we set the goal -

</b>EASY! QUALITY! AVAILABLE!</b> - implemented only score each buyer will have a lot of weight!
Торгові марки
Befado, Nazo, Waldi, American Club, Zetpol, Badoxx, Bona
Види економічної діяльності